Free-up Founder Time Mini-Course

Simple systems and strategies to free your mind, time, and team to do more of your best work

If you are tired of bottlenecking your business as Chief Everything Officer and All-Seeing Question Answerer, know this:

You deserve to structure your days with ease and joy.

Founder Time is dedicated focused, protected windows for working on your business, not just in it. You’ll learn how to step out of delivering services so you can spend time designing your operation for greater freedomβ€”now and into the future.

In this mini-course, you’ll get 15 short, actionable lessons that cover topics like content batching, time blocking, getting ready for your big break, courage cookies, luck trucks, and a whole lot more.

Each lesson has a combination of helpful tools, templates, podcast episodes, and book recommendations. I have also recorded each lesson (most are 5-10 minutes long) as audio for learning on the go.

This mini-course became the foundation for my book Free Time: Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business. You’ll also get free audiobook access to all that juicy content (via private podcast feed) when you enroll! ($25 value)

Founder Time activities might include:

  • Upgrading your Operating System and continuous improvement as a leader

  • Clarifying your mission

  • Creating a compelling vision

  • Setting strategy for revenue streams and next projects

  • Sharing your best ideas with the world through platform-building and thought-leadership β€” or what I call Ongoing Public Original Thinking

  • Hiring great people, even part-time, and onboarding them

  • Delegating effectively, and empowering your team to work efficiently together toward a compelling future, while having fun along the way

β€œI have been doing a happy dance! I love everything that you are up to, and Free-up Founder Time is a spectacular jar of little candies. :)”
— Milena R.