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Free Time is a perfect complement to leadership development, manager training, flexible work, and initiatives around reducing workplace stress and burnout.
We can ship to one central location, or we can accommodate distributed shipping for remote teams (for example, following virtual team-building events).
After reading Free Time, team members will be able to better identify their biggest bottlenecks, set a strategy for moving from friction toward flow, and take small steps now to save time far into the future.
For help placing your order and planning around upcoming events, get in touch.
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Buy 10 or more copies of Free Time for just $20 each (38% off)*
*Shipping costs are not included; we can work with you to ship all books to one location, or we can ship to individual addresses for distributed teams if you provide us with a CSV or Excel file.
When you are ready to checkout, select the quantity and select “Add to cart.” After completing your purchase, we will be in touch to arrange shipping details.
For help placing your order and planning around upcoming events, get in touch.
These are sample bulk rates from one of our distributors, Porchlight Books. We also work with BulkBooks.com.
Hardcover Non-Returnable Discounts:
Cover price: $32 USD / $39 CAD
1 - 24 copies: $25.60 (20%)
25 - 99 copies: $22.40 (30%)
100 - 499 copies: $20.00 (35%)
500+ copies: $19.25 (40%)